data-raw/hscic hes data to database.R

# Script uploads HES data (both APC and A&E) into database

# Connection to DB requires a 64bit download of Java (if running 64bit R) from
# Requires JDBC driver from

# Load the database connection settings from rda file.
# The file must contain the list "db_config" with the following named items: host; port; db_name; user; pass.
load(file = "data/DB settings - clahrc, write.only.rda")

# Form the URL from the above set of params; ssl=true means we connect over SSL/TLS; Java, by default, checks server TLS/SSL certificate is valid
db_url <- paste0("jdbc:postgresql://", db_config["host"], ":", db_config["port"], "/", db_config["db_name"], "?user=", db_config["user"])

# Specify the driver, the Java driver (JAR) file, that Postgres uses double quotes (") to escape identifiers (keywords)
db_drvr <- RJDBC::JDBC("org.postgresql.Driver", "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/postgresql-42.1.1.jar", "\"")

# Set up our DB connection
db_conn <- RJDBC::dbConnect(db_drvr, db_url, password = db_config["pass"])

# Upload AE data ----------------------------------------------------------

# Have a look at data
#test1 <- data.table::fread("data-raw/hscic/extract_sheffield_ae_1112.txt", sep = "|", header = TRUE, na.strings = "", colClasses = "character", nrows = 10L)

tbl_name <- "hes_ae_1114_raw"

# invest2_nn is dirty (>2 chars)
# "aekey" is actually 12 characters (not 8 as specified), it is unique across reporting years (suspect first four chars are some play on the reporting year).

# Create AE table
sql_create_AE_table <- paste0("CREATE TABLE public.", tbl_name, " (",
                              paste0(c("activage VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "arrivalage VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "carersi CHAR(2)",
                                     "ethnos VARCHAR(2)",
                                     "postdist VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "encrypted_hesid VARCHAR(32)",
                                     "sex CHAR(1)",
                                     "aearrivalmode CHAR(1)",
                                     "aeattendcat CHAR(1)",
                                     "aeattenddisp VARCHAR(2)",
                                     "aedepttype VARCHAR(2)",
                                     "initdur VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "tretdur VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "concldur VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "depdur VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "aeincloctype CHAR(2)",
                                     "aepatgroup CHAR(2)",
                                     "aerefsource CHAR(2)",
                                     "arrivaldate VARCHAR(10)",
                                     "arrivaltime CHAR(4)",
                                     "inittime CHAR(4)",
                                     "trettime CHAR(4)",
                                     "concltime CHAR(4)",
                                     "deptime CHAR(4)",
                                     paste0("diag_" , c(paste0("0", 1:9), 10:12), " VARCHAR(6)"),
                                     paste0("diag2_" , c(paste0("0", 1:9), 10:12), " CHAR(2)"),
                                     paste0("diaga_" , c(paste0("0", 1:9), 10:12), " VARCHAR(2)"),
                                     paste0("diags_" , c(paste0("0", 1:9), 10:12), " CHAR(1)"),
                                     paste0("invest_" , c(paste0("0", 1:9), 10:12), " VARCHAR(6)"),
                                     paste0("invest2_" , c(paste0("0", 1:9), 10:12), " VARCHAR(4)"),
                                     paste0("treat_" , c(paste0("0", 1:9), 10:12), " VARCHAR(6)"),
                                     paste0("treat2_" , c(paste0("0", 1:9), 10:12), " CHAR(2)"),
                                     "oacode6 CHAR(6)",
                                     "rescty VARCHAR(2)",
                                     "currward VARCHAR(2)",
                                     "respct06 VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "resstha06 VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "resha VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "resladst VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "resro VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "imd04hs VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "imd04c VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "imd04_decile VARCHAR(20)",
                                     "imd04ed VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "imd04em VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "imd04hd VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "imd04ia VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "imd04ic VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "imd04i VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "imd04le VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "imd04rk VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "LSOA01 VARCHAR(9)",
                                     "MSOA01 VARCHAR(9)",
                                     "rururb_ind CHAR(1)",
                                     "hatreat VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "pcttreat VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "rotreat VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "sthatreat VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "domproc VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "hrgnhs VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "hrgnhsvn VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "sushrg VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "sushrgvers VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "procode3 VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "procode VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "procodet VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "pctcode06 VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "gpprpct VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "protype VARCHAR(10)",
                                     "gpprstha VARCHAR(3)",
                                     "orgpppid VARCHAR(5)",
                                     "rttperstart VARCHAR(10)",
                                     "rttperstat CHAR(2)",
                                     "rttperend VARCHAR(10)",
                                     "waitdays VARCHAR(4)",
                                     "gpprac VARCHAR(6)",
                                     "perend VARCHAR(10)",
                                     "subdate VARCHAR(10)",
                                     "aekey VARCHAR(12)",
                                     "epikey VARCHAR(12)"), collapse = ", "), ");")

# Ensure table does not already exist
stopifnot(RJDBC::dbExistsTable(db_conn, tbl_name) == FALSE)

# Delete table?
if(RJDBC::dbExistsTable(db_conn, tbl_name) == TRUE) {
  tryCatch(invisible(RJDBC::dbRemoveTable(db_conn, tbl_name)), error = function(e) { stop(paste0("Could not remove DB table: ", tbl_name)) }, finally = NULL)

# Attempt to create table
AE_table_created <- tryCatch({
  RJDBC::dbSendUpdate(db_conn, sql_create_AE_table)
}, error = function(e)
stopifnot(AE_table_created == TRUE)

# Upload data to table (returns FALSE for statements which failed to execute; TRUE for those that did)
file.paths <- paste0(getwd(), "/data-raw/hscic/", c(paste0("AE_", 11:13, 12:14, ".TXT"), "extract_sheffield_ae_1112.txt"))

sql_upload_data <- paste0("COPY public.", tbl_name, " FROM '", file.paths, "' (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER '|', HEADER TRUE, NULL '')")

# ~ 3mins
data_uploaded <- sapply(sql_upload_data, function(sql_st) {
    RJDBC::dbSendUpdate(db_conn, sql_st)
  }, error = function(e)
    return(paste0("FAILED: ", e)))

# Results of upload
stopifnot(all(data_uploaded == "OK"))

# Add unique constraint on "aekey" field, ~ 30s
AE_aekey_unique <- tryCatch({
  RJDBC::dbSendUpdate(db_conn, paste0("ALTER TABLE public.", tbl_name, " ADD UNIQUE (aekey);"))
}, error = function(e)
stopifnot(AE_aekey_unique == TRUE)

# Total rows in table
row_cont <- unlist(RJDBC::dbGetQuery(db_conn, paste0("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM public.", tbl_name)))
stopifnot(row_cont == 5038568)

# Upload APC data ---------------------------------------------------------

# Have a look at data
#test2 <- data.table::fread("data-raw/hscic/extract_sheffield_apc_1112.txt", sep = "|", header = TRUE, na.strings = "", colClasses = "character", nrows = 10L)

# "epikey" is actually 12 characters (not 8 as specified), it is unique across reporting years (suspect first four chars are some play on the reporting year).
# "ethnos" from 2013/14 has max length of 2 chars (rather than 1)
# "posopdur" up to 4chars

tbl_name <- "hes_apc_1114_raw"

# Create APC table
sql_create_APC_table <- paste0("CREATE TABLE public.", tbl_name, " (",
                              paste0(c("endage VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "startage VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "mydob CHAR(6)",
                                       "ethnos VARCHAR(2)",
                                       "encrypted_hesid VARCHAR(32)",
                                       "postdist VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "sex CHAR(1)",
                                       "admidate CHAR(10)",
                                       "adm_cfl CHAR(1)",
                                       "elecdate VARCHAR(10)",
                                       "elec_cfl CHAR(1)",
                                       "admimeth VARCHAR(2)",
                                       "admisorc VARCHAR(2)",
                                       "firstreg CHAR(1)",
                                       "elecdur VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "disdate CHAR(10)",
                                       "dis_cfl CHAR(1)",
                                       "disdest VARCHAR(2)",
                                       "dismeth CHAR(1)",
                                       "bedyear VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "spelbgin CHAR(1)",
                                       "epiend CHAR(10)",
                                       "epistart CHAR(10)",
                                       "speldur VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "spelend CHAR(1)",
                                       "epidur VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "epiorder VARCHAR(2)",
                                       "epie_cfl CHAR(1)",
                                       "epis_cfl CHAR(1)",
                                       "epistat CHAR(1)",
                                       "epitype CHAR(1)",
                                       "PROVSPNOPS CHAR(20)",
                                       "wardstrt VARCHAR(7)",
                                       "disreadydate CHAR(10)",
                                       paste0("diag_", c(paste0(0, 1:9), 10:20), " VARCHAR(6)"),
                                       "diag3_01 VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "diag4_01 VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "cause VARCHAR(6)",
                                       "cause4 VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "cause3 VARCHAR(3)",
                                       paste0("opertn_", c(paste0(0, 1:9), 10:24), " VARCHAR(5)"),
                                       "opertn3_01 VARCHAR(3)",
                                       paste0("opdate_", c(paste0(0, 1:9), 10:24), " CHAR(10)"),
                                       "operstat CHAR(1)",
                                       "posopdur VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "preopdur VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "classpat CHAR(1)",
                                       "intmanig CHAR(1)",
                                       "mainspef VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "tretspef VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "domproc VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "HRGLATE35 VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "hrgnhs VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "hrgnhsvn VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "suscorehrg VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "sushrg VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "sushrgvers VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "susspellid VARCHAR(10)",
                                       "purcode VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "purval CHAR(1)",
                                       "purstha VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "gppracha VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "pcgcode VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "pctcode06 VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "gpprpct VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "procode VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "procode3 VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "procodet VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "sitetret VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "protype VARCHAR(10)",
                                       "gpprstha VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "rescty VARCHAR(2)",
                                       "resladst VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "resladst_currward VARCHAR(6)",
                                       "ward91 VARCHAR(6)",
                                       "resha VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "hatreat VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "pctnhs VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "respct06 VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "resstha06 VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "pcttreat VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "rotreat VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "sthatreat VARCHAR(3)",
                                       "lsoa01 VARCHAR(9)",
                                       "msoa01 VARCHAR(9)",
                                       "rururb_ind CHAR(1)",
                                       "imd04c VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "imd04ed VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "imd04em VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "imd04hd VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "imd04hs VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "imd04i VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "imd04ia VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "imd04ic VARCHAR(4)",
                                       "imd04le VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "imd04 VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "imd04rk VARCHAR(5)",
                                       "imd04_decile VARCHAR(20)",
                                       "carersi CHAR(2)",
                                       "mentcat CHAR(1)",
                                       "admistat CHAR(1)",
                                       "epikey CHAR(12)",
                                       "aekey CHAR(12)"), collapse = ", "), ");")

# Ensure table does not already exist
stopifnot(RJDBC::dbExistsTable(db_conn, tbl_name) == FALSE)

# Delete table?
if(RJDBC::dbExistsTable(db_conn, tbl_name) == TRUE) {
  tryCatch(invisible(RJDBC::dbRemoveTable(db_conn, tbl_name)), error = function(e) { stop(paste0("Could not remove DB table: ", tbl_name)) }, finally = NULL)

# Attempt to create table
APC_table_created <- tryCatch({
  RJDBC::dbSendUpdate(db_conn, sql_create_APC_table)
}, error = function(e)
stopifnot(APC_table_created == TRUE)

# Upload data to table (returns FALSE for statements which failed to execute; TRUE for those that did)
file.paths <- paste0(getwd(), "/data-raw/hscic/", c(paste0("APC_", 11:13, 12:14, ".TXT"), "extract_sheffield_apc_1112.txt"))

sql_upload_data <- paste0("COPY public.", tbl_name, " FROM '", file.paths, "' (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER '|', HEADER TRUE, NULL '')")

# ~ 3mins
pc <- proc.time()
data_uploaded <- sapply(sql_upload_data, function(sql_st) {
    RJDBC::dbSendUpdate(db_conn, sql_st)
  }, error = function(e)
    return(paste0("FAILED: ", e)))
proc.time() - pc

# Results of upload
stopifnot(all(data_uploaded == "OK"))

# Add unique constraint on "epikey" field, ~ 30s
APC_epikey_unique <- tryCatch({
  RJDBC::dbSendUpdate(db_conn, paste0("ALTER TABLE public.", tbl_name, " ADD UNIQUE (epikey);"))
}, error = function(e)
stopifnot(APC_epikey_unique == TRUE)

# Total rows in table
row_cont <- unlist(RJDBC::dbGetQuery(db_conn, paste0("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM public.", tbl_name)))
stopifnot(row_cont == 5513241)
tony-stone/rclahrc documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:33 p.m.